Outpatient addiction rehab programs can make sense for individuals who do not need to attend inpatient treatment. By nature, outpatient rehab offers lower time commitment and financial investment for those undergoing alcohol and drug addiction treatment. While outpatient rehab is not for everyone, it can provide a viable option for those with financial, career or parenting obligations that would otherwise prevent an inpatient addiction treatment stay.
What Is Outpatient Addiction Rehab?
An outpatient addiction rehab center provides addiction recovery services to chemically dependent individuals—just on a more limited and short-term basis than inpatient addiction rehab tends to. While many outpatient program offerings are limited, they can still be a good fit for those who have less severe addictions that have only endured for relatively short time periods. Outpatient addiction rehab tends to be completed in a shorter timeframe, with a weekly time investment, so it tends to be best for those who need less support and who take more initiative in their healing process.
What Does Outpatient Addiction Rehab Offer?
Here are the most common treatment types offered by outpatient addiction rehab programs—and for those who take full advantage of these resources, these offerings may be the key to regaining a safe, peaceful and productive sober life.