Common Questions About Passages Malibu Addiction Rehab

Understanding Passages Malibu: A Non-12-Step Approach to Addiction Recovery

By Jennifer McDougall

When it comes to addiction treatment, choosing the right approach can be life-changing. Passages Malibu stands out with its revolutionary non-12-step methodology, tailored to address not just the symptoms but the root causes of addiction. This article explores the unique aspects of our program, answering common questions and illustrating why Passages Malibu is a leader in holistic addiction treatment.

1. The Non-12-Step Philosophy of Passages Malibu

Passages Malibu offers a distinctive, non-12-step approach to addiction recovery. Unlike traditional programs that may label participants as perpetual addicts, Passages focuses on empowering individuals. We believe that addiction is not a lifelong disease but a symptom of underlying issues, which can be resolved through personalized therapy.

Our treatment model is built on the premise that addiction stems from one or more of four key causes: emotional trauma, physical pain, environmental stress, or chemical imbalances. Identifying and addressing these root causes with our team of expert therapists enables our clients to recover their true selves and maintain lasting sobriety.

2. Accessibility of Treatment at Passages Malibu

Contrary to the misconception that our services are exclusive to celebrities or the affluent, Passages Malibu is accessible to a diverse clientele. We accept most private insurance plans, excluding Medicare and Medicaid, making our top-tier treatments more affordable to people from all backgrounds. Prospective clients can easily receive a free quote by contacting our admissions office or submitting their insurance details on our website.

3. What Sets Passages Malibu Apart From Other Southern California Treatment Centers?

While Southern California is home to numerous rehab centers, Passages Malibu offers unmatched quality of care and a therapeutic environment that fosters profound personal growth. Our program includes up to the equivalent of years’ worth of individual therapy sessions condensed into a 30-day treatment, focusing intensely on the underlying issues rather than merely the symptoms of addiction.

Our holistic treatment model integrates various therapeutic practices, including yoga, meditation, acupuncture, art therapy, and more, ensuring a well-rounded approach to recovery. This intensive, individualized focus means our clients gain significant insights and tools to transform their lives.

4. Technology Use During Treatment

Understanding the importance of staying connected, Passages allows clients to use their personal cell phones and laptops during their stay. We also provide access to on-site computers, enabling clients to keep in touch with friends and family, which can be crucial for emotional support during treatment.

5. Privacy and Personalized Care in Treatment

At Passages Malibu, we respect the privacy of our clients and understand that group settings are not ideal for everyone. That’s why we offer a range of private therapy sessions tailored to individual needs, including specialized sessions in acupuncture, massage, psychotherapy, and more. Our approach ensures that clients can discuss and resolve their issues in a confidential, one-on-one setting.

Passages Malibu is dedicated to transforming lives through its innovative non-12-step approach to addiction treatment. By focusing on the underlying causes of addiction and tailoring our treatments to individual needs, we provide a pathway to true and lasting recovery.

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, don’t wait. Contact Passages Malibu today to learn more about our holistic treatment options and begin your journey to recovery. Call us at (888) 397-0112 or visit our website at for more information. Take the first step towards a new, healthier life today.

Understanding Passages Malibu: A Non-12-Step Approach to Addiction Recovery

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